Monday, June 29, 2009

Market Days

After compiling the list of things needed by Adullam, we went through and put everything in order of importance. Because they freeze just about everything, buying in bulk of all foods is made possible. We tried to place nutritious foods, especially protein rich, at the top of our list.

After compiling the list, we split up into groups of three. Janie, Genna, and Kerri had their hands full taking pictures of each of the kids and taking down names in order to explore the possibility of starting pen-pal program with schools throughout America. The directors liked the idea because it would give the children the chance to learn more about America and also to practice their English.

Michael, John and Laine were sent to the market to do the dirty work. In the market we split into two groups, each with a separate list of items. In all we were able to purchase close to $1,000 worth of goods in 3 hours. We bought beans, frozen fish, plantains, yams, toilet paper, vaseline, toothpaste, groundnut paste, cabbage, garlic, onions, and much much more.

It was an extremely successful day and Adullam was so excited to receive so many necessities. To top off the day, we received a phone call from Curtins from the hospital explaining that the nutritionist came by and he is full of energy and has stopped vomiting. Curtins then got on the phone and sounded so excited and much stronger. I can't wait to see him today and report on his condition after speaking to his Doctors.

Tomorrow, we will be slaughtering the sheep that we gave to Adullam. It will be the first time the kids will be eating meat other than fish in over 2 months. You should see their faces when we took the sheep out of the car!

Life is great here in Ghana, we had a huge thunderstorm last night but luckily were able to cut down huge branches to use as umbrellas on our walk from the orphanage to home. Everyone is doing great and we have touched so many lives up to this point. We can't wait to see what the next 11 days has in store for us!

Genna, Janie, John, Laine, Kerri, and Michael

1 comment:

Kimberlee said...

Sounds like the kids are in store for some wonderfully nourishing meals! It's amazing the simple things we Americans take for granted... like peanut butter! That protein-rich food could save millions of lives in less-fortunate places in the world, like at Adullam. Sure makes me appreciate our luxuries, like clean water, malaria-free mosquitoes and food available anytime we need it. Keep up the great work, everyone! Look forward to more updates!!!