Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 2: Services

Just another update. Everyone is doing great and really enjoying themselves. Last night we had quite an experience on our way to drop off some friends. Our car broke down and the battery wasn't turning the engine over. Michael had the idea to try pushing it and put it in second to start it and well it worked... The problem was, he was in the driver seat and took off not knowing how to change gears or turn the car around. So picture Michael, white, driving down a dark street past two cops with AK-47's and having no clue what to do next. Funny sight. He got it turned around and everything was ok but it was one of the funniest things yet. Especially because Matt, our friends Patrick (Sam's brother), Sticky, and Luther were behind the car pushing down the street!

This morning Michael and Janie woke up at 6 am and went running and of course, Michael threw up which was expected. After breakfast we went to a Methodist service for two hours which was entirely in the native language and very hot. When we first sat down in the church we were sitting next to a ten year old girl and her two year old brother. Their parents didn't go to church so the 10 year old sister took her little brother to church alone. By the end of the service we had over 7 kids surrounding us. After the service we met a soccer player who plays for the Ghana National team. He is the goalie and his name is Frank. He invited us to his apartment and then he gave us an invitation to his wedding on the 2nd which is going to be really interesting.

Later on we went home and had lunch then left for the orphanage and played with the kids for a couple hours. Genna spent some time in the baby room and watched them give the baby's baths. Michael and Matt spent time with the two kids, Joseph (Michael) and Nanakofe (Matt), they were holding yesterday and Janie was holding a 4 month old baby. Everyone had a lot of fun and we brought some toys. Each of us plans to be fluent in the native language Twi by the time we leave.

We left the orphanage for our second service which was also two hours. They spent so much time praying for us and we witnessed some pretty interesting things... to say the least.

After the service we went home and taught Sammy's younger siblings how to play baseball and throw a frisbee. Genna was teaching the youngest cousin and she was by far the best of them all... even better than Matt but he won't admit it.

Dinner was very good, at least for Michael. It was supposed to be tuna but it tasted more like anchovie. The soup was something like clam chowder but with chicken in it.

Anyways, its getting really late and we are all really tired and have to wake up at 7 am tomorrow to go to the market to buy food for the orphanage.

Comment on our blogs!

Much love,
The Ghanian Crew


Smart Start said...

It sounds like you guys are having a great time over there! Matt- great to hear you so excited about the experience! Michael- you can't afford to lose anymore weight by throwing up! Be safe!


Natalie said...

It sounds like your trip is truely turning out to be a great trip. It is amazing how when you give you are blessed in return. I can't wait to hear more about the kids and the ways that you were able to touch thier hearts and in turn I am sure they touched yours. God has a way of opening our eyes to so many things when we don't expect it. I am so happy to hear more about your trip. I love you guys and am praying for you each day. Love Nat Nat

GiveBack said...


Unknown said...

I would have paid to see Michael in the car, with the AK-47 guys staring at him!!! Oh boy... be careful everyone. Don't rub anyone the wrong way... MICHAEL! Ha ha! Cherish each and every experience you have there. This is a trip and experience of a lifetime... you will carry these memories in your hearts for a long time. Good luck! Love you,

Unknown said...

We haven't heard from you guys in a few days... hope you're all okay! Love,